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Miami’s Back Pain Shock Absorbers

Herniated Disc and Back Pain Miami FL

Nearly every adult today has experienced some form of back pain in their lifetime. Whether the pain was caused by lifting something awkwardly or from strenuous activity. More often than not this pain will subside after a period of rest, if it is purely muscular pain. However, spinal disc injuries cause more of an extreme ...


Solving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Miami

Miami FL Carpal Tunnel Relief

It is one of the most common occupational health problems affecting millions of people every year with numbers continuing to rise, largely thanks to our ever-increasing repetitive use of computers.  This health problem of repetitive strain is identified as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is caused by pressure on ...


Fibromyalgia Solutions in Miami

Relieving Fibromyalgia Miami FL

Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome which is used to describe many symptoms. These symptoms include muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple sensitive tender points. Currently, Fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million people within the United States, 90% of these people are women. However, it is still unknown why the number of people that suffer from Fibromyalgia ...


Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehab of Miami