Posts Tagged ‘Chiropractors Miami FL’
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by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Feb 19, 2013 | Health Articles

Why would a parent not take a child to see a chiropractor? The basic answer might come down to no information or incorrect information.
Here are some of the most common reasons why not:
They don’t know about Chiropractic
They don’t know about the potential benefits of Chiropractic
They think that a Chiropractic adjustment might be too rough for ...
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Feb 7, 2013 | Health Articles

Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in your body, and runs from the lower back, down through the buttock, and all the way into the lower leg, where it controls the muscles in that area. It also provides sensation to the thighs, legs, and the soles of the feet. When the sciatic ...
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Jan 31, 2013 | Health Articles

Two months before the 2003 New York City Marathon, Sean Combs, “Puff Daddy,” decided he was going to complete the 26.2 mile course through Manhattan.
After barely making it through a two-mile training session, Combs realized he needed help. He called upon Drew DeMann, DC, MA, CCSP, his “personal sports physician.”
DeMann provided Chiropractic care to Combs ...
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Jan 29, 2013 | Health Articles

A 78-year-old man was suffering from increasing pains he described as “achy low back pain” for two years and had progressively worsening pain in his legs that he described as “sharp, electric and crampy.”
An MRI showed severe degenerative lumbar (low back) stenosis.
Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a condition resulting in narrowing of the spinal canal ...
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Jan 24, 2013 | Health Articles

CASE STUDY: A nine-year-old male suffered with Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, depression, asthma, insomnia, and headaches.
The asthma and upper respiratory infections were present since infancy; headaches began at age 6, followed by the onset of TS, ADHD, depression and insomnia at age 7, and neck pain for the last year.
According to the boy’s ...