Posts Tagged ‘Knee Pain Miami’
Welcome to Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehab of Miami's Knee Pain Miami Archive. Here you can learn more about Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehab of Miami, Physical Medicine, and Dr. Joseph Gambardella, today's choice for Pain Relief Physicians in Miami, FL. Read Dr. Joseph Gambardella's Physical Medicine Knee Pain Miami for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 305-598-8788.
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Nov 13, 2014 | Health Articles

Basketball season is about to begin! Whether we play professionally, for a school team, or for a league on Sunday, one on point game plan should be to invest in the proper shoes to avoid future injuries and unnecessary pain.
Too many people choose fashion over function when purchasing athletic shoes, not realizing that poor-fitting shoes ...
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Oct 9, 2014 | Health Articles

When you bend your knee do large clicks and cracks resonate around you? Do you frequently stop because your knee locks or feels like it just is not bending correctly? Ahh the grinding you say!
You are not alone. Many people struggle with long standing knee pain and discomfort. It is far to common and yet ...
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Sep 30, 2014 | Health Articles

The era of replace and buy new is in full swing and has swung so far to the right that we are now applying this principle to our health. In previous generations we understood the premise "built to last" and maintained the high quality of the product until it was past onto its next owner. ...
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | May 20, 2014 | Health Articles

Is your body able to predict the weather better than your local meteorologist?
The Human Barometer
It's true that many people with back pain, neck pain or other joint complaints are often surprisingly accurate in predicting when storms are approaching, and believe it or not, there is some validity to their weather forecasting abilities.
In 2010 by the International ...
by Dr. Joseph Gambardella | Jul 18, 2013 | Health Articles

Many people struggle with long standing knee pain. It is far to common and yet many people learn to live with it. With a diminished quality of life, many people begin to look for solutions that will return them back to where pain and discomfort are no longer associated with their daily lives.
Getting to the ...