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Posts Tagged ‘Miami Neck Pain’

Welcome to Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehab of Miami's Miami Neck Pain Archive. Here you can learn more about Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehab of Miami, Physical Medicine, and Dr. Joseph Gambardella, today's choice for Pain Relief Physicians in Miami, FL. Read Dr. Joseph Gambardella's Physical Medicine Miami Neck Pain for the health of it.

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All Stressed Out! – Get the Chiropractic Solution!

Stress Relief Miami FL

Our lives today have become congested and overrun with stress.  The effects of stress are seen across the nation at an earlier age and with more detrimental health effects.  Stress can be caused by a number of factors, both personal and professional. In most cases, though, it is the result of the difference between what ...


Conquering Headaches and Tech Neck

Neck Pain Miami FL Headaches

If you have ever had a headache, you have a true understanding of how debilitating they can be.  Studies have shown that roughly a third of all people suffer from headaches and a more frightening statistic is that nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches.  Headaches can vary in form and intensity.  The causes ...


Water Polo And Chiropractic Care

Miami Water Polo

The physical demand for water polo is extremely high. Water polo players are expected to spend nearly 1 hour and 15 minutes in a pool whilst covering distances of over 4 kilometers. The level of physical contact is also high, both above and below the water. The player have to shoot and pass the ball ...


Sustainable Health with Chiropractic Care

Miami Sustainable Health

After engaging in a complete evaluation, including a history and physical examination, your chiropractor will start to model a care plan that meets your specific health needs. Your care plan will include chiropractic care focusing on the improvement of the functioning of your spinal column. Your care plan will also include additional recommendations, such as ...


Dowager’s Hump Causes and Treatments

Miami Dowagers Hump Causes and Treatments

"Dowager's Hump" can affect any person who spends a lot of their time hunched over or has a severe case of osteoporosis. The professional term for Dowager’s Hump is hyperkyphosis, which is an increase in the forward curvature of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine. It is a condition that can either be relatively ...


Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehab of Miami