Not Just About Relieving Pain
Chiropractic is not just about relieving pain; it’s about enhancing the seemingly healthy person’s function, performance, and quality of life. Chiropractic care looks at the structural, mental, emotional, and nutritional side of wellness. Chiropractic care ensures that the spine works correctly and that there is minimal obstruction of the normal nerve flow due to pressure on the nervous system from stress and postural strain or injury. It is gratifying to see people of all ages turning to chiropractic as a safe and effective alternative to medication and surgery for a variety of health issues.
Chiropractic care aims to relieve pain, promote healing, restore and maintain function, reduce the likelihood of re-injury, restore proper motion, and prevent accelerated degenerative spine disease. However, comprehensive chiropractic healthcare goes much further. It incorporates restoration techniques such as therapeutic rehabilitation, cutting-edge tools, and revitalization strategies of diet and nutrition to help create a proactive approach to living, resulting in better health.
Our roles as chiropractic physicians are to facilitate and increase the potential for health so we can help people of every generation to live life to its fullest.
Best Chiropractic Care In Miami
For over 125 years, chiropractic care has been the leading natural and non-invasive approach to treating chronic spinal pain conditions. The field of chiropractic medicine continues to change, and our clinic specializes in using the best combination of chiropractic care with spinal rehabilitative exercises for pain management and pain relief. Chiropractic care first relieves the tension or inflammation of the delicate nerves of the spine. This irritation of spinal nerves is the chief cause of spinal pain. When chiropractic adjustments are given to relieve the pressure placed on the nerves of the spine, relief is noticed almost instantly. This relationship between the spine and the nervous system is the main focus of chiropractic treatment. With chiropractic care, patients not only respond to spine pain conditions but also to conditions affecting the entire body as well.
What We Offer!
The team at Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehab of Miami is dedicated to helping you feel your best and achieve a pain-free life through a holistic treatment approach. Our chiropractors will take the time to listen to your health history and concerns before performing a detailed physical examination. They will then recommend a patient-specific treatment plan that will help alleviate your immediate aches and pains while also working to correct the underlying cause of your body’s pain and dysfunction.
We are excited to offer Chiropractic Care at both our Miami and Jupiter locations.